Sunday, August 31, 2014

That bit at the end in x and y

I know it should be heartwarming etc in the end of x and y when AZ gets his Floette back but I just feel like, "Idiot!!!! 3000 years? Really? What were you doing all that time to not gain love of battling? Also, 3000 years and ur pokemon are weaker than mine! " There are lots of other things but those are the main ones. Seriously! Also, the French, oh sorry, Kalosian professor has cat whiskers. And whoever designed Diantha failed to impress. She looked stupid. Her outfit and hair were too chunky looking. But just saying, post game content is fun.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Two questions

1) What would you say your motto is, the main idea you live by? E.g. "liberty, truth and justice for all".

Well, it would probably be something like, "Expect the worst, hope for the best". That's pretty much a summary of how I think, and therefore, live. It's kind of weird, I guess, to try and sum up my psyche in one sentence. Well, I think it is. A bit. People are complex. But most of them do follow their own patterns of thought and behaviour. Maybe most people could sum up their lives that easily... Anyway, I have found if I expect the worst and hope for the best, I generally get something in the middle. Usually things turn out better than we think they will. I suppose I am cautiously more optimistic than I was when I was in my twenties.

2) What do you wish your motto was? How do you want to think, or at least be seen?

Wow, that's a difficult question.
Hmmm... Maybe, "Purity, love and honesty." ? I would like to be more gentle, loving, forgiving and pure than I am. I'm already honest. I don't want to be too brutally honest, though. People dislike those who are too honest. I would like a latin motto just for the sake of awesome. But... What about valour? I forgot. I want that too. And mercy. It's not a popular word but I am old-fashioned in some ways. The motto might be too long at this point. Maybe just ... "Courage, love and truth" Courage to be loving, which can include mercy, gentleness and forgiveness. And courage to be truthful too. Love will help soften the truth, make it less brutal. Looks like love tempers out the other two virtues there. Well, it's not that original or anything, but maybe I would like to live more that way.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Israel, war, etc

America (and Britain) can't boycott Israel without looking ridiculous because they spent part of last century and almost all of this one up 'til now supporting them on the sly (although everyone knew about it, it's like the biggest unkept secret ever). 
Capitol Hill and Hollywood, both basically run by Jewish Americans. 
Everyone knows that, and the only reason I know that is because I am always the last to know anything and so if I know, it must have been established long ago. 
Look what happened to Mel Gibson. That's proof in itself. 
Btw I am totally willing to accept I might be wrong about this, but I expect I'm not because in the end, it's all about money. When it comes to money and power; I choose the most cynical answer and what do you know, I'm never wrong!

Regardless of who is killing whom, there is no reason in this world that could ever be good enough for killing someone in order to take whatever you want.

The responsible ones who make the orders should be made to fight each other to the death in the arena, and leave all other people out of it. Why should my child fight in a war, be injured, traumatized, tortured, killed because some person who is greedy or hateful wants to hurt other people and take something away from them?

I never was good at rationalizing.

All I know is, people just want to get on with their lives. They want to work, relax, raise families, build a place to live. I never heard of any normal, ordinary person wanting to start a war. I just wish there was a way for all of us to tell these people to stop.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

X and Y distributions

I don't know about America, but here in NZ they haven't done much with X or Y. We haven't received Diancie yet, for example, and the game has been out for a LONG time.
I got the Torchic, and the Electabuzz and Magmar. But that is it.
I saw apparently there's a Heracross or Pinsir available in the US at GameStop?
Did they get Diancie yet?
I wonder.
I bet Japan had heaps of cool Pokemon and stuff.

Anyway, there's a Vivillon available at the end of August, via the internet so everyone stay alert to get it.
The Global Link tells you about it when you login and check news, I think.
Aww I missed the Fancy Vivillon one. Too bad.
I kinda went off Pokemon there for a while.
It's not like I missed much though.
Anyway this other August Vivillon is different to the fancy one in the above link.
It's a SPECIAL Vivillon. Of course I want it even though Vivillon isn't that tough.
I've tried to collect all the wing patterns but people are ridiculous, wanting a Suicune for a particular wing pattern, which I will NOT trade them.
I am so over the Arceus traders. Level 9 or under? WHY? And also, HOW?
I don't do hacks.

Btw my main place to go for Pokedex stuff, or anything really Pokemon-related including distributions is always
They are great, they even managed to summarize most of the anime and manga.
Of course it's ongoing.
And I check the Global Link, and
For walkthroughs,, and

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The third Pokemon in Oak's lab! Spoiler, maybe? Not sure if it counts as a spoiler...

This link above should lead to a video of did-you-know Pokemon facts.

The very first fact  in the video answers the question:
What happens to the third Pokemon in Prof. Oak's lab that nobody gets to keep?

Apparently Prof. Oak was supposed to keep it to fight YOU at the end of the game after you beat Gary.
Man, that actually makes me feel better. I always felt guilty for not choosing Bulbasaur.
I did choose him once but he's hard to train at first (this is in the original game) and doesn't learn grass moves for AGESSSS.

Porting, and spoiler for child of light

Is that what it's called? Well, you know. That thing where they take a game developed for a particular platform e.g PS2 or 3, and redevelop it roughly for another e.g PS vita. Apparently they did that with Little Big Planet. Argh argh argh... That's why it's so hard sometimes! I feel better knowing that, I really do. Doesn't help when I can't get the damn character to flippin' JUMP! JUMP, DAMNIT JUMP, I SAID! ARGHHHHH!!!!!! I quit. Again. Until later. Didn't have this problem with Child Of Light. Just saying.

Btw spoiler alert: in COL, after you beat ur second sister, you jump straight into the last boss battle with no time to prepare, so prepare before you fight the second sister, ok? It's my main grumble about the game. Not that it should actually make a real difference, I still kicked her arse easily, but that's because I like to level grind.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Dokidoki universe

Doctor Therapist is a pain. He is hard to please. Let me help you.
By much frustrating trial and error I found out that he likes aliens, mechanical things, the viking ship, the yellow submarine and is afraid of balloons, this includes the zeppelin. If you summon about two or three things, you can get his gift.
He reacts negatively to a LOT of stuff so be careful.
Btw am I dumb for purchasing DLC even though I already got all the trophies without it?

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Vita games so far...

More complaints about LBP Vita, but also a rhapsody on Tearaway, Gravity Rush and Dokidoki Universe.

Well to sum up since I can't be bothered complaining much since that wastes time, energy and letters:
Tutorials suck in LBP also. They don't teach all of what their own blurb says they will teach you, and the advanced stuff is clumsy and hard to do, even sticking two halves of a gingerbread man together is stupidly difficult. ARGH. Why do I not give up? Because the game is addictive, that's why.

Ok next, positives!

Dokidoki Universe is fun although sometimes disturbing. You are a robot in the game and I don't want to spoil it - although frankly I like spoilers so I don't see why I should not spoil it... Oh fine, I can't be bothered explaining the plot which would only take like a sentence anyway but who cares.
Lotsa fun so glossing over hateful characters like the wishing tree. I cannot like that guy, I tried to throw him in the air to punish him for being a BIG, BIG, GINORMOUS JERK to the other people on his planet but it turns out he's a masochist, and enjoys that kind of thing. Man, I hate that guy. Ginormous is a slang word, btw, and yes, it is a real word. It just means similar to enormous but possibly bigger than that.
Dokidoki universe is fun. The quizzes are scarily accurate sometimes! I love the collecting aspect of the game, and don't love the stereotypes. Again, gloss over that. Never mind. Most of life is full of stereotypes and these are only slightly offensive so yup, gloss gloss.
It's not very... challenging on most levels. But it is fun. And I like th eart style, is that what people call graphics now? When I was younger we talked about a game having good graphics. Now it's art, right? Or CGI or whatever. Well Dokidoki Universe hasn't got CGI. It's 2D but it's cute, and not in a typical way. At least, I liked it a lot, because it's very easy to see everything you need to see. And I loved the voices. Very unique. Didn't remind me of the Sims either, it's amazing how gibberish can sound so varied under different directors. But I don't play a vast amount of games... maybe it isn't unique... well, to me it was! So there we go. Play the demo at least, come on people.

Gravity Rush is fun, a lot of pointless crap side quests which are almost entirely - pointless.
The gravity thing is annoyingly stupid and hard to accurately control at times, but with practice; even I, who freely admit to being rather inept, managed to kill the first boss (which was actually easier than getting to the boss) so yeah.
I like the story I think. I like the cat thing. I already hate my rival. She is a super ... mean ... girl.
But pretty. Actually better looking than my character. Also my character is disturbingly easy-going about living in - oh wait, spoiler. Fine. It's dumb though. Anyway, yay! Must carry on into it. I really haven't gotten far yet.
Easier than LBP! That may well be my point of reference from now on.

I wonder if Call of Duty is easier than LBP.
I know I am just passable at Counter Strike. Man, I love sniping bots... I miss my friends... we all used to play when we were meant to be studying. I got fragged so often that I changed my name to something like fragwoobie or something like that. Fortunately, dying a lot gets fun if you change levels a lot. I managed never to drown in the pool. Which is a skill, because I got shot at a lot by everyone and fell in the pool a lot. But I always managed to kill the other guy hiding in the pool (they always had one of my bros hiding in the pool; it was clear water, everyone could see him in there but they still thought it was a legit tactic every time we played that level!) and get out before I died. After the rest of them all shot me to bits while I tried to zigzag whilst running for cover. Ah, the memories. One friend used to jump up and down on your dead body. Another one used to spray a smiley face stencil on his kills and stab the air repeatedly for some reason. I screamed at them all from across the hall so MUCH. The best times were when I managed to kill one of them. Good times, good times. My unholy glee was probably not attractive but who gives a damn, I got him after he fragged me like 12 times. YEAAAHHHHHHHH BOOOIIIIIIIII. Ah hahaha my one mate kept killing ME specifically - so one time I knew he was coming around the corner and I flashbombed him and sprayed him with bullets. Then someone shot me from behind, but it was worth it!

I wonder if the next season of RWBY is out on Roosterteeth yet? I want figurines of Ruby and Yang. Yang is my fave. So much punching, slam-fisting rage. Punch kick, punch blam blam blam punch punch blam blam slam kick blam blam blaaammmm... reload gauntlets. And... blam blam blam punch punch etc

Oh right.
AMAZING. Should've bought that first.
It was why I wanted a Vita in the first place, now that I remember.
It is made by the same people as LBP only it's less teeth-gnashingly, tear-spurtingly, vein-poppingly, screen-punchingly frustrating. But only just. Argh - the level I am on is nearly the last level, or so the NPC 'god-characters' (Is that what they are? Whatever. Tree man and Voodoo lady) keep telling me.
I love the look and the sounds and pretty much everything about it. Except for being unable to control the speed of my rolling sometimes. And yet at other times I can. Aside from that, and dying A LOT, I love it. It is one of few games that I can see myself playing through several times.
Lots of fun ways to force you to use all the Vita's touch screens and camera and stuff. I mean, full playability or whatever jargon they use that means it forces you to do pointless, frustrating things to use the back touch screen to move blocks or whatever. Anyway it's fun. Challenging sometimes and easy at others. And the characters along the way are cute enough to make you say 'awwww' and not in the story too often so they don't become annoying.
The music is ok. Sometimes repetitive to the point where I turn it off but other than that it's nice.
Great game, get it NOW.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Little big planet for the vita

So disappointed. Such promise. Controls a BIG letdown. If I could just make my character jump a tiny bit higher and faster (yes the jumping is soooo sloooww), then I wouldn't hate this game so much. Argh if it was just tweaked a smidgem, I would keep trying but it's so rage-inducingly hard with those useless controls, I gave up. I don't want to give up but it's not worth the stress to play what is meant to be a fun game. I don't mind that the character is...a stuffed sack. I love the levels and everything! It's fantastic in every way, it's one reason I bought my vita. But even though I know what to do to finish levels, my controller won't DO what I want it to do! I jump but then can't MOVE, so my character twirls in the air and then gets squashed for the 'nth time. While I am moving the left stick and screaming, "@%*+ing MOVE!" It's just too much stress. At least in Tearaway, my character actually moves when I use the left stick, so if I die, it's purely my fault. That I can handle because I can keep trying. But, sad to say, it seems in LBP that it's a problem I can't overcome. The game is ruined for me. Argh I feel so upset. :( I need to play something else to calm down.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Robin Williams

Robin Williams is dead, apparently.
I feel a strange sense of floating peripheral loss, as if someone told me that the coast of Africa was blown into the deep ocean by a massive bomb.
I never necessarily wanted to go to the coast of Africa, but I know it exists, and now that it's irretrievably gone, I can NEVER go there, and so a noticeable part of the world that exists inside my head is gone forever.
That is similar to how I feel about the death of RW.
I had a secret dream of meeting him and getting his take and maybe advice on the latest LOZ game. He was famous for liking them.
I'm not going to list his movies.
IMDB, Google, you can look them up.
I liked his style.
I felt sorry for him, because most comedians are miserably depressed in private, for some reason which probably nobody would ever want to try to go into.
I saw him on a sitcom only last week, which was an ok sitcom for America.
They churn out marginally funny stuff like that all the time.
I want to know why he decided to give up at 63? years old.
My uncle was a similar age when he gave up too.
They found him hanging from somewhere, near (or in?) the caravan he lived in.
The funeral was awful.
I never want to hear Johnny Rotten's version of 'My Way' ever again.
Worst funeral song ever.
Bad taste.
The ones who want to die need to consider how much they can ruin the lives of those they leave behind, in small ways.
Some stuff imprints itself in your mind and cannot be washed away.
Lord, how I wanted to see my uncle.
When I finally got to see him after literally decades of separation, he was dead.
He looked like he was merely asleep.
The morticians should've gotten paid a lot for creating that look.
I actually felt nervous, like he would sit up and say, 'Surprise!'
Anyway that was rough.
Suicides often are.
They are SO awkward.
Nobody knows what they are allowed to say, or think.
People kind of mill around and make wry faces and try to make supportive and appropriate comments.
His son was angry. I was disappointed and angry.
I wanted to say, 'What the hell uncle! Why give up now? WHY NOW? It's a weird age to kill yourself at! And what about all of us? You have a quite a few children, and some are still very young! Your poor little girls. They don't know what's going on, or maybe that's just what us adults say about kids because we desperately hope that they don't know. Uncle, I'm mad at you. Everyone's upset. And you don't care, because you can't, because you are GONE.'
How many people would be resurrected by power of the regret and anger of those they left behind?
I wonder.
Guess we will not ever know that answer.
Anyway RW's death successfully ruined my evening.
I'm still trying to deal with it.
It's like the death of Michael Jackson. Argh, the pain.
My childhood! My music!
My memories! My movies...
I wonder if half of these people in the entertainment industry understand how much they affect us all, over the years.
Oddly enough, some people affect me barely at all.
Oh man, when DeForest Kelley died, I cried. Childhood memories again.
Oh dear, my melacholy blues are just welling on up, like a rising flood.
Gotta quit typing, go play video games.
Video games make it all go away.

Ah, footnote: heard he had been diagnosed with Parkinsons. Now I'm not surprised he did that, after all. Still SUCKS though.