Saturday, June 22, 2013

Because all I do now in SoulSilver is run around with diff Pokemon at the top of my list, so I can watch Abra float cross-legged behind me, or Onix undulate along like a massive stone caterpillar. That's what I love the MOST.
Can't wait for Pokemon Amie, btw.
X and Y sure, sure.
Pokemon Amie, hellz yeah!

I wish they made a whole Pokemon game where you could just play with Pokemon...
oh wait that's Poke-park for the Wii.
Ok, I wish they made a game where you are a Pokemon...
oh wait, that's the Mystery Dungeon series for the DS...

Ok then, I wish they made a whole game where you could dress your Pokemon up, and teach it tricks and talk to it and feed and brush it... that's mostly Pokemon Amie but I want a really solid game like that, you could call it like, Pokemon Pet Show or something.
And so you could actually win prizes and unlock stuff if you get the Pokemon to be at it's best and loving you 100% and stuff.
Similar to Nintendogs.

I'd also like to try the game where you take photos of Pokemon after you feed them and stuff.
I never got to try that one. Was it Pokemon Snap? Or something?

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Well then, *&^%. And also, *&^$#. :D

Just realised something.
First of all, it's no fun destroying another player in a battle if you are stronger than they are it's just freakin' pointless.
But that wasn't what I wanted to say.
I've forgotten now...
Oh yes, I realised that if I have to see ads on the internet, I hate them less if they are in a language I think is interesting or classy.
Like Italian.
How about that.
Irritation failed to erupt when I was forced to close an ad page that just popped up, simply because it was in Italian, and I didn't understand it.
So it didn't force itself into my consciousness as much.
So it wasn't as annoying.
So I closed it with a cheerful 'Hmm! That was less infuriating than usual!'

In other news, maybe I have an anger problem.
I do sometimes shout at people on the TV, and sometimes I get angry at DJs on the radio.
On the other hand, they are usually the types of people who are annoying.
Professional annoying $%^ks.
Like my censor there?
It is so much fun.
To censor things.
Like the other day I went to the ^%$# and bought some *&^@.

I swear I am not a man, btw.

Well they say it's the first sign of madness...

I shouldn't answer my own questions, should I?